Tips for Avoiding Clogged Drains

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Clogged drains are a common issue for homes and businesses. Food, hair, and other debris can get stuck in drains, slowing the drainage process. Instead of waiting for clogs to occur and taking reactionary steps, there are some precautions you can take to avoid blockages in the first place. The drain cleaning experts at Ready Rooter in Seattle are here with four key tips for avoiding clogged drains.

a person holding a drain screen while cleaning their sink

Use Filters and Screens

More than you realize may be getting washed into your drains. Wire or mesh screens over drains can stop debris like hair, food scraps, or lint from entering your pipes. While this may seem like a simple tip, filters and screens are one of the easiest ways to prevent clogs from building up.

water running in a kitchen sink

Clear Your Kitchen Pipes

After cooking or dishwashing, maintaining your kitchen drain is important. Flushing the drain with hot water or vinegar can help the last bits of oil and food get completely cleared out of your pipes.

a pan covered in butter

Avoid Putting Notorious Cloggers Down The Drain

If you’re ever questioning: “Can I put this down the drain?” the safer answer is usually NO! Coffee grounds, grease, napkins, bones, and large seeds are all notorious for causing drain issues. When in doubt, throwing those out with the trash instead of putting them into your pipes is always safer for your drain.

a plumber working on sink pipes

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Regular drain cleaning services are not just for emergencies. Regularly scheduled maintenance from a drain cleaning contractor like Ready Rooter helps keep your drains clog-free without damaging your sewer system. And, with a full drain inspection, you can ensure no pesky clogs are building up further down your pipes.

While these preventative tips can help maintain your drains, clogs can still happen. When you’re looking for reliable plumbing services in Seattle, trust Ready Rooter to get the job done. We’ll have your pipes flowing in no time! Contact us today for a free quote.

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